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Top Shelf!!! Like the post above said, you definitely need balls for this shit. If you've got what it takes, you are in for the time of your life. I still laugh about crap that penhepad 3 years ago, let alone last summer lol. Can't wait for the next one. GET ON YOUR GAME FACE!!!!


It seems like it's easier to spend money than it is to be thuhgotful when trying to communicate your feelings for someone. It's especially easier to spend money when you've waited until the last minute. So listening, knowing the other person and planning ahead are all things that can help you save money. Also, don't get sucked into the trap created by retail marketeers around a holiday. I'm sure your honey bunny would love candy, flowers, a card and a diamond necklace (retail value $350), but maybe that scarf (MSRP $35) she pointed out to you last week that you noticed matched her eyes (priceless) would convey the sentiment even better for a tenth of the cost.

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