Add me to the list of people amused and excited by the idea of Betty White as the host of Saturday Night Live. We've seen more than enough young and fresh hosts one shy of an acting lesson: Why not a cheerfully spunky 88-year-old who just last month got a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Screen Actors Guild (handed out by Sandra Bullock), has collected a gaggle of Emmies and became a TV Hall of Famer 15 years ago?
She's best known for The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Golden Girls,beloved if not exactly hipster classics from the '70s and '80s. But with each passing year, there's something increasingly compelling about the ever-wholesome Betty White. The lady's got verve.
I mean, how many other thespians, two years shy of 90, are gaining in street cred? No wonder advertisers at BBDO gave her a starring role (and a seriously funny butt-kicking) in their Snickers Super Bowl ad -- and more than 225,000 people have already signed the "Betty White to Host SNL (please)!" petition on Facebook.
Now it's SNL producer Lorne Michaels' turn.